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Woman in hockey: Emilie Castonguay

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The NHL is celebrating women in hockey, and every week through April, will highlight a woman from each of the 32 teams. Today, a look at Vancouver Canucks assistant general manager Emilie Castonguay:

Name: Emilie Castonguay

Title: Assistant general manager, Vancouver Canucks

Education: Bachelor – Finance. Bachelor – Law. Bar association member (Lawyer)

Years of hockey experience: 25 years (10 working, 15 playing)

Describe your job in 2-3 sentences.

Part of the management team of the Vancouver Canucks hockey operations department. Help create a Stanley Cup-contending team.

What’s the best piece of career advice you’ve ever been given, or what advice do you like to give others?

The world is run by common people with uncommon resolve. They are ordinary people with extraordinary determination. People with firm, unwavering determination to achieve what they set out to do.

What is a quality you admire most in others (personal or professional)?

Emotional intelligence and self-awareness are the most underrated qualities in a person.

What are your hobbies and why do you enjoy it/them?

I am a bit of a biohacker in my spare time. I love reading books and listening to podcasts about body and mind optimization. I apply these learnings to my own life and routine. I have become quite passionate about it with time.

Are you a morning person or a night owl?


What’s your favorite book?

Shoe Dog, Phil Knight memoir

What’s your favorite movie or TV show?

Good Will Hunting (Movie) Black Mirror (TV Show)

What is your most-used emoji?

The fist pump

Do you have any hidden talents (if yes, what)?

I can name almost any song if given one lyric line
