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What’s your short-game power club? Use this simple drill to find out

It pays to broaden your club-selection horizons around the green.

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Watching the tour pros around the greens is both breathtaking and inspiring — sometimes it looks as if they are magicians!

One thing you might notice when you watch the short game of elite players is that they use an assortment of clubs around the green, while many amateurs use only one club (usually their highest-lofted club).

There’s nothing wrong with having a favorite club around the green, but have you ever heard the saying “if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail?” In terms of your short game, what this translates to is this: If you only use your 60-degree wedge for shots around the green, you’ll be most inclined to see every shot as a high, soft, spinny shot. And while that’s certainly one shot that’s useful around the greens, it’s not the only shot you can play.

So, how do you increase your arsenal of shots around the green? Here’s a drill I love.

woman hitting approach

Want to sharpen your 100-yard-and-in game? Find your deficiency with this drill


Monique Thoresz

Identify your chipping strength

1. Create a 10-foot circle around the hole with 4-6 tees and choose an area off the green about 20 yards away.

2. Hit 10 shots with your sand wedge and record how many get into the circle.

3. Next, hit 10 shots with your 9-iron, and 10 more with your putter, recording each time how many shots you get inside the circle.

4. Repeat this process for as many wedges as you have, or you can even try using your hybrid. The club that you hit the most shots into the circle with is the club you should choose most often when you play on the course.

Different circumstances and different lies might call for a different club, so in your next practice session, try a different scenario: choose a target 40 yards away, or change the location you’re hitting from to light rough or deep rough.

If you’re a low-handicapper, modify the circle to eight feet, which is the distance most Tour pros are targeting because their make-range from 8 feet is around 50 percent.

Practicing like this will increase your proficiency in the short game, but it will also increase your understanding of what shots are most appropriate from different locations, which will surely lower your scores!

Follow Monique Thoresz on Instagram: @MoniqueThoresz_Golf.

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