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Three firms dominate mobile network awards: report

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Taiwan’s 5G mobile network market is extremely dynamic with fierce competition, but the Mobile Experience Awards were dominated by three of the five national operators, Opensignal said in its report for this month.

Opensignal is a UK-based mobile analytics company that specializes in analyzing the consumer mobile experience.

Chunghwa Telecom Co (中華電信) won all four of the speed categories: Download Speed ​​Experience, Upload Speed ​​Experience, 5G Download Speed ​​and 5G Upload Speed. Of the four, it retained three from the last report, and replaced Far EasTone Telecommunications Co (遠傳電信) as the winner of the Upload Speed ​​Experience category due to its a 1.8 megabits per second (Mbps), or 14.7 percent, increase in overall upload speed, Opensignal’s Taiwan Mobile Network Experience Report said.

Photo: Sam Yeh, AFP

The operator won the 5G Download Speed ​​award for the third time in a row, with a speed of 374.1Mbps, which was 102.9Mbps, or 37.9 percent, faster than second-placed Far EasTone’s 271.2 Mbps.

Taiwan Mobile Co (台灣大哥大) was the outright winner of the Games Experience award, and tied first with Chunghwa Telecom for the Video Experience award, Voice App Experience, 5G Video Experience, 5G Games Experience and 5G Voice App Experience awards.

Taiwan Mobile also won both awards for consistent quality.

Far EasTone once again won the 5G Availability award, as 5G users spent the largest proportion of their time on its network with an active 5G connection of 33.8 percent. Chunghwa Telecom placed second with 30.6 percent.

As a result, Far EasTone’s lead shrank compared to the last report, when it won with 38.7 percent, the report said.

Taiwan’s five operators also include Taiwan Star Telecom Corp (台灣之星) and Asia Pacific Telecom Co (亞太電信).

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