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Taylor Tannebaum, who has been a sports anchor/reporter on WTHR since June 2018, is leaving the station to pursue another opportunity.
She announced the move in an interview with WTHR’s Dave Calabro. She has not announced where she is going next, only saying that “you can still watch me on TV from Indianapolis when that happens.”
Tannebaum came to Indianapolis after spending the first years of her career as a sports reporter and anchor in Alabama (WTVY News 4 in Dothan and News 19 in Huntstville.)
Creeps, threats and untraceable calls: Women who cover sports on TV share their stories
When she came to Indianapolis, she was WTHR’s first sports anchor who is a woman. She says she feels a duty to amplify women’s voices.
“I feel an obligation to make sure that I’m covering women in sports,” Tannebaum told IndyStar in an interview earlier this year. “I feel like I need to be covering the Indiana Fever, whether they’re good or bad, at least a little bit more than I did the year before. Part of my job is to amplify voices that aren’t heard. Sometimes during Operation Basketball, I’ll go get a girls game because they deserve to shine too. There are times where I feel like as a female in sports, it’s my job to amplify their voices.”