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SPD partnering with tech companies to crack down on those who speed in school zones

SHREVEPORT, La. (KSLA) – With more than 25 schools housed within the city limits of Shreveport, there’s a pretty good chance that on your way to work or on your way home, you’ll end up driving through a school zone.

With class back in session, drivers should be careful when those yellow lights are blinking. That’s because the speed limit drops to 15 or 25 mph in most school zones. Get caught speeding during school zone hours, and you’re looking at having to pay hefty fines of $120 or more.

Despite the high fines and warning signs about speed zones, every year, it’s an issue for police officers patrolling near schools. Tonight on KSLA News 12 at 6, Chief Investigative Reporter Stacey Cameron will discuss how the Shreveport Police Department is using cameras to crack down on speeders and keep your kids safe, without putting more patrol officers on the streets.

“We don’t have the resources we used to, so I think as we move forward, we’re going to have to embrace the value of technology,” said SPD Chief Wayne Smith.

“What happens in most parts of the country is once people learn the system and learn that it’s there, they will slow down,” said Gina Sullivan with Blue Line Solutions, a company that provides LIDAR-based automated photo speed enforcement technology in school zones .

Watch tonight at 6 pm to find out which schools already have cameras up, which zones are going online next, and if you get caught speeding, how SPD plans on delivering your ticket.

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