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Soccer Claims Top Spot in Admission Rates Among Daily Sports Clubs

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SEOUL, Jan. 13 (Korea Bizwire)Soccer has turned out to be the most popular sport in light of the admission rate among daily sports clubs, a survey showed Thursday.

The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism conducted a survey of 9,000 Koreans over 10 years of age across the country, which revealed that the nation’s daily sports participation rate stood at 61.2 percent, up 0.4 percentage points from a year ago.

The participation rate for those in their 30s was the highest at 65.3 percent, up 7.8 percentage points from the previous survey.

Among the respondents, 9.2 percent picked swimming as the sport they would like to do if they had leisure time, while 16.2 percent picked golf as the sport they’d like to play if they had financial leeway.


The admission rate for everyday sports clubs stood at 16.9 percent, up 3.4 percentage points year on year.

Soccer and futsal recorded the highest admission rate of 18.4 percent, followed by golf at 16.7 percent, badminton at 9.7 percent, bowling at 7.7 percent and tennis at 7.1 percent.

The main purchasing group was people in their 30s and 40s who accounted for more than 87 percent of total purchases.

Image Credit: Ansan City Office / Yonhap / [email protected]
