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Sharks Win Golden Matrix Award for Best Overall Video Display in Hockey

SAN JOSE, CA – The San Jose Sharks (@SanJoseSharks) and SJSHARKS Productions, the digital production team for the Sharks, won the Golden Matrix Award (GMA) from the Information Display and Entertainment Association (IDEA), a professional association for organizations in the game and event presentation industry. The Sharks won for Best Overall Production – Hockey. The awards were presented July 13 in Nashville, Tenn.

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The Sharks 2022 submission was evaluated on several different criteria in each category including large-screen video and/or fascia programming, live camera work, PA announcer, video graphics, headshots, replays, team intros, sponsor features, scoring sequence, celebration/win sequence, live elements, crowd prompts/interstitials, interactive features and stats.

“We are truly honored to represent all of the NHL by winning this award for the third year in a row,” said Dustin Lamendola, Director of Content and Entertainment for the San Jose Sharks. “It’s a true testament to our organization and creative teams dedication to presenting the best game experience we can for our fans.”

These awards represent the sixth GMA the Sharks Organization has won. The Sharks won the GMA for Best Overall Video Display in Hockey as well in 2017, 2020, and 2021. In 2021, they also won the GMA for Best Overall Video Display (all sports).
