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Saints eye OCAA podium finish in golf for both men and women after adding four recruits

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The St. Clair Saints are hoping to swing for the medal podium in both the men’s division and women’s division at next fall’s OCAA championships with the addition of four new recruits.

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The women’s team, which has won back-to-back silver medals at the conference championship, has added L’Essor high school product Justine Gorham.

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The men’s team, which has not reached the podium since 2007, has added Vista Academy product Spencer Higginbottom, who spent parts of two seasons at Glendale College, along with Oil Springs’ Liam Crummy and West Lorne’s Ethan Slaats.

“I’m excited for the program and excited for them,” Saints’ head golf coach Kevin Corriveau said. “We can legitimately compete. I’m anticipating we can compete for a medal with both and we haven’t done that on the men’s side in a while.”

The 17-year-old Gorham has finished in the top ten in the junior women’s division overall standings the past two years on the Jamieson Junior Golf Tour and tied for 26th at the OFSAA girls’ golf festival.

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“I was originally thinking of going to a university and then saw this wonderful program,” said Gorham, who will study social justice and legal studies in hopes of getting into law enforcement.

Corriveau hopes Gorham can slide into the graduation spot left by Sophia Fallea, who was seventh at last year’s OCAA championship.

“It’s always been my dream to continue with golf,” Gorham said. “I’m excited to be part of the team and work under Kevin and hope to promote golf for other girls to join and play and help it grow.”

The 20-year-old Higginbottom was already in school when he approached Corriveau about playing.

“I was at a junior college in Arizona for a year and a half,” said Higginbottom, who also plays hockey for the Lakeshore Canadiens. “I liked it and it was a good experience, but I was changing my program to finance. I came home and St. Clair had the program I was looking for.”

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A wrist problem forced Higginbottom to the sidelines for a year, but he’s back and anxious to play.

“I stayed in a brace for a year and was lucky enough that it healed,” Higginbottom said. “I was able to come back and play golf.

“I’m definitely excited to come back and hopefully make an impact on the golf program and do something different (by winning a medal) that hasn’t happened in a long time for the program. There’s a long way to go, but a good team in place.”

That team now includes Crummy, who won the Sarnia Golf Club Men’s Invitational last year and the Junior Club championship, along with Slaats, who placed 23rd at OFSAA this year. The club also returns John Van Bilsen, who was 11th as a freshman at the OCAA championship.

“We hope to get both the men’s team and women’s team to the national championship this year,” said Corriveau, who notes that would require a podium finish at the OCAA championships.

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