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Rapid Questions with Kyle Stowers

What’s your favorite ballpark to play in and why?

My favorite ballpark so far has been Houston just because it’s a good atmosphere and pretty loud so that was fun.

What did you want to be when you were little?

I wanted to be a baseball player.

If an ice cream truck pulled up right now, what would your order be?

Pretty simple. Probably just Cookies and Cream.

What player or coach would win an arm wrestling contest?

I’ll take the Skip, I’ll take Hyder.

If you could trade places with one person for a day, who would it be? Why?

Justin Bieber. He’s got a good singing voice.

What is your favorite way to spend an off-day?

I like to be productive. I like to get a lot of chores done, laundry, groceries, stuff like that. Then hanging out with other teammates.

Which teammate do you think was the biggest troublemaker in school?

I’m gonna say Adley.

If you weren’t playing professional baseball, what would you be doing?

Oh man, probably something with business.

What is your favorite animal? Why?

Golden Retriever. I’ve been told that’s my animal comp and I think dogs are super sweet.

If you could see any singer in concert who would it be?

The Weeknd.

What is one word your teammates would use to describe you?

Gunny, what’s one word you’d use to describe me?

Gunnar Henderson: California.

If you have the aux in the clubhouse, what are you playing?

I’m handing it to someone else.

Who do you look up to the most?

My dad and my mom. My parents and just how they’ve played such a big role in getting me here and all the sacrifices they’ve made for me.

What was your favorite breakfast cereal when you were a kid?

Reese’s Puffs.

What was your first car?

Nissan Altima.

What superpower would you like to have and why?

Probably teleportation. Convenient, quick, and you’d be able to see family too while we’re away.

If you could play any position other than your own, what would it be?


Who’s the greatest athlete of all time and why?

LeBron James. 6’8”, 250-ish, and moves like a wide receiver.

Who is your favorite Raven?

Lamar. Lamar and Mark Andrews.

What is your favorite thing about this team?

We have fun. On the field, off the field, we have a lot of fun.
