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Ranking Things to Like So Far About 2023: Jon Rahm’s Fast Finish, Will Zalatoris’s Health, Tiger Woods Rules the PIP

Another golf season has begun. Technically. LIV Golf apparently won’t hold its first event until late February, but The Ranking will forge ahead, anyway, on The New Era of Golf that the PGA Tour presented in almost-prime time from Kapalua, Hawaii. Was it a good week for golf? It was an Elevated Event so all hyperbole must be elevated, too. Let’s all just agree, then, that it was the greatest first week of a season ever. Not counting that week in 1866 when Old Tom Morris… never mind.

Some Things to Like in Golf So Far in 2023

April in Paris Augusta: The Masters Tournament offered a special invite to Gordon Sargent, a Vanderbilt University sophomore who won the NCAA title last year. It is the first time in more than two decades that the Masters has given an invitation to an amateur. And, of course, it has absolutely nothing to do with LIV Golf signing players out of college, such as Eugenio Chacarra, one of the players Sargent beat in a four-way playoff to win the NCAA championship. Nothing whatever.
