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Q&A: Artur Cholach’s Development Camp Experience

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Development Camp came back in full swing for the Vegas Golden Knights prospects this year. There are many new faces that came to camp since the last time Development Camp was held in 2019. The past two years have had a large impact on young prospects who were ready to branch out into their professional careers.

Nineteen-year-old defenseman Artur Cholach spent last season in the Ontario Hockey League with the Barrie Colts and was drafted by the Golden Knights in the 2021 NHL Draft. With the 2020 and 2021 drafts being remote, Cholach was a part of the group of prospects that missed out on having the moment that many prospects dream about. Nevertheless, his dream was able to come true during the 2022 NHL Draft, where he was able to go to Montreal and experience the moment.

Right after he lived his dream at the 2022 NHL Draft, he headed to camp for the first time. During camp, Cholach was able to reminisce about his experiences over the past two years.

Q: What’s it like to come to Development Camp for the first time after missing it last year?

A: It’s been nice, the past three summers in a row I didn’t have any practice during the summer. I missed it a lot. This is the first time in a couple of years that I’ve been able to work hard in the summer to prepare for the upcoming season. I’m excited and happy that I have the opportunity here. It’s a good camp, everyone works and plays hard here. Everyone wants to show that they’re the best. It’s been pretty tough and at the same time, it’s also fun to play here.

Q: Did you have any specific expectations coming here?

I didn’t have many expectations because I was here last year for Rookie Camp. Even though they didn’t have a Development Camp, it was similar. While it’s not that new for me this year, it’s a bit easier because when I came here last year for the first time, I was kind of scared and less confident. I wasn’t sure what to do and what not to do. This year was much easier, and I was more familiar with everything.

Q: How was it to experience the draft and then come here to Development Camp, and get the experience you lost during your draft year?

Last year, it was all online, even Development Camp was online. It was interesting to listen and be a part of the meetings in person because you can get feedback. And last year’s draft, I was on the train going to the national team camp, so I didn’t have any reception there. I didn’t know I was even drafted. My parents called me and told me “Congrats”, and I didn’t know why they were congratulating me, and then they told me that Vegas picked me for the draft.

I was excited because this is a nice organization and it’s a nice city. This year, I was lucky to have experience in the draft. It’s so different compared to last year, I only got a couple of phone calls last year and this year I was able to go to the table and shake hands with the scouts and talk with the general manager. Also, I was able to experience the media stuff such as the interviews and pictures, and sign autographs. It was much better.

Q: Since you got drafted, have you kept up with the organization at all? Been checking in at all?

I’ve been talking to [Director of Player Development] Wil Nichol every week since I’ve been drafted. He and other people in the organization came to my games once a month and gave me feedback. They would tell me if what I was doing was good or bad. Overall, I would say that I was talking to them often.

Q: What are your plans after Development Camp?

Development camp is tough, so I plan on going back to Barrie, Ontario, and taking maybe a week off. Overall, nothing special, I’ll just continue to work and prepare myself for my next season.