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PitchCom helps MLB make stealing pitch signals a sign of the past

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Catchers use a pushbutton wristband to call pitches with pitchers receiving the calls using an 18-gram device that fits in a baseball cap.getty images

From the November 2019 news of the scandal about the Houston Astros using a camera to steal signs, it took one day for John Hankins to start tinkering around with a solution to the problem. Three years later, the Astros have a World Series title earned on merit, and PitchComthe system that relays the pitch call from catcher to pitcher, has wide acceptance across MLB.

Now the question is how widely the small company, owned solely by Hankins and fellow inventor Craig Filicettican scale and fine-tune the patent-pending technology for use across not only baseball, but other sports.

Hankins, a retired patent attorney, considered systems with buzzers or lights on the pitching rubber, but rejected those as impractical. He knew the system had to be lightweight and that pitchers weren’t going to like wearing earphones or wristbands. He wanted something unobtrusive. Hankins calls his co-inventor Filicetti “the engineering brains of the company,” who immediately assured him that the design was practical. A prototype of what eventually became an 18-gram device that fits inside the sweatband of a baseball cap, along with a pushbutton wristband on which catchers could call pitch and location, was in beta before the end of the 2019.

MLB was already down the road with other concepts, including those using earbuds and Bluetooth transmission. So, while engineering issues weren’t insurmountable, they weren’t as difficult as getting the attention of MLB, still smarting from the Astros scandal, and increasingly preoccupied with the pandemic’s devastating impact on spectator sports.

“Initially, getting a meeting with MLB was the hardest part of this,” said Hankins.

Through a golfing connection, Hankins found Don Gibsoncurrently a law professor at Arizona State, who was once general counsel and acting president of MLB Properties and subsequently CEO of the Basketball Hall of Fame. Gibson first saw the prototype in January 2020 and was brought on as a consultant.

“As soon as I saw it, I knew that would help baseball,” Gibson said. “We tweaked a few things in its appearance and materials, but the core technology was solid. They [MLB] were considering four other technologies, but then we finally presented in October, they were impressed that it was minimally intrusive, and we began a collaborative process.”

During MLB’s October 2020 “bubble playoff” series in San Diego, they met with Morgan SwordMLB executive vice president of operations, and Texas Rangers special assistant to the GM Nick Hundley, a former catcher.

“We put it on their heads, and I believe that’s where the light bulb went on for them,” said Hankins.

After a 2021 test in the Class A California League, MLB offered PitchCom at the beginning of this season to any team that wanted it. As tradition bound as MLB can be, it rolled out slowly: from 12 teams by mid-April to 20 a month later, and all 30 by June. There were complaints from pitchers who forgot to turn the device on, or had installed it improperly. Others took a hard stand against it, including Max Scherzer, whose oft repeated reaction was, “It should be illegal.” Not quoted nearly as much was the rest of his statement: “It’s part of baseball trying to craft [steal] somebody’s signs. Does it have its desired intent that it cleans up the game a little bit? Yes, but I also feel that it takes away part of the game.”

Between 90% and 95% of MLB pitchers were using PitchCom by September, according to Hankins. Along with eliminating sign-stealing, it was hoped that PitchCom would accelerate the pace of MLB games, the average duration of which increased an agonizing additional 37 minutes from 1981 to 2021. PitchCom gets some credit for MLB’s average game time shrinking around six minutes during the 2022 season to 3 hours, 3 minutes, 44 seconds — the lowest since 3:00:44 in 2018, which was the last season in which game time was reduced. Keep in mind that length of game includes time for replays and umpires now routinely checking pitchers for “foreign substances.”

“We were really pleased with those numbers,” said Hankins. “And remember, we don’t have widespread adoption initially, and any pitcher could still work at his own speed.”

An unexpected benefit: PitchCom, the brand, got a nice introduction. “Every game they mentioned us,” said Hankins. “When do you hear them mention the glove or the bat manufacturer?”

During this past season, PitchCom completed a multiyear agreement to continue the use of its technology across MLB. It will be used in Class AAA baseball next season. The company is in the process of signing college baseball agreements for next year, and has heard from, but not yet completed, deals with baseball leagues in Asia and in Latin America.

So far, the business model for PitchCom, established as separate LLCs to service the pro and amateur baseball markets, involves leasing its equipment. The baseball market could be huge, but the company is entirely self-funded, and there are mid-six-figure development costs they’d like to recoup and move beyond. Consequently, they are considering uses across sports. How quickly can it scale?

“The NFL has a radio system for its quarterbacks, which works for what they need,” said Hankins. “But imagine never having to have a huddle anymore, because everyone can hear the play call at once.”

It doesn’t take too much imagination to conceive of game-changing applications for sports like crew, or recreational activities like scuba diving. We imagine technology will be less of a problem than getting around those legacy enthusiasts.

“It’s great to have traditions, and baseball has a lot, but at the same time, you have to move forward a bit,” said Hankins. “Night games allowed more people to see baseball; we changed the way people have been calling pitches for 150 years, and I don’t think anyone misses runners on second slowing up the game by as much as a minute per pitch.”

Terry Lefton can be reached at [email protected]