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Only a Lawsuit Can Save My Golf Game

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December 13, 2022 3:28 pm ET

Boxes of Titleist Pro V1 golf balls in New Bedford, Mass., Oct. 20, 2017.


Scott Eisen/Bloomberg News

After reading your editorial “The Microwave Pasta Tort” (Dec. 5), I have decided to seek out a law firm to pursue my lawsuit against the maker of Titleist Pro V1 golf balls.

Titleist advertises that its golf balls have the following benefits: long distance, low long-game spin, short-game control and very soft feel. Having played with Pro V1 golf balls, I was unable to experience any of the benefits claimed by Titleist. I can’t rely on the labeling and representations of the product. I will therefore go forward with a lawsuit saying that the company engaged in negligent misrepresentation, fraud and false and misleading advertising.

I’m sure I can find a plaintiff’s attorney, among the many, to process my claim. Of course, if Titleist sends me five dozen Pro V1s, I won’t file a claim.

James W. Crowley Jr.

Fort Myers, Fla.

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