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NBA player returns to his roots in the East

GREENVILLE, NC (WITN) – Day’ron Sharpe has taken his talents on the basketball court from South Central High School all the way to the NBA.

The Brooklyn Nets center, who was selected in the 2021 NBA Draft, returned to his roots for an autograph signing, but what he didn’t know was that his day had just begun.

“I pride myself on giving back, trying to be an extension for the young guys letting them know they can make it out too,” Sharpe said. “Just put the work in.”

Fans came out for the chance to have their apparel inked by him and Sharpe says staying true to yourself will help make your dreams come true.

“I have been saying a called DCT, dreams come true,” Sharpe said. “I tell kids all the time, you have to be different. Like I told them earlier you have to be different than everybody else.”

Despite signing autographs for two hours, Sharpe’s day was far from over.

The City of Greenville presented him with a proclamation honoring the work he’s done in the community and Mayor PJ Connelly says it’s long overdue.

“We are thrilled to be able to have Day’ron Sharpe, to be able to come back here and be able to give him some notoriety,” Connelly said. “Also, to thank him for all that he’s done in bringing notoriety to the city of Greenville is awesome.”

Sharpe says being slower to speak and quicker to listen is what got him where he is today.

“If people believe in and they’re pushing you the right way you should listen,” Sharpe said. “Kids have to learn how to stop being so stubborn because you don’t know everything. The people that are trying to guide you to the right places have been there and done that so you just have to listen.”

Sharpe was last seen in the East in June when he hosted a kid’s camp. He plans to continue giving back.

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