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NASA has suspended until the new notice the launch of the Artemis mission to the Moon

Miami, August 29 (EFE).- NASA suspended the launch of the Artemis I mission, which was scheduled to start this Monday on its journey to the Moon from Cabo Canaveral, Florida (EE.UU), and that the finding de fallos técnicos obligó a una cancellation hasta nuevo aviso.

The announcement was made after the powerful SLS rocket with the Orion capsule on its cusp had been maintained on platform 39B of the Kennedy Space Center after it was delayed at the first hour of today, and the launch was scheduled for 8:33 a.m. local time ( 12.33 GMT).

The SLS rocket and the Orion ship “permanecen en una configuración segura y estable”, said NASA in the blog of the mission in which it confirmed the cancellation of the launch, its annunciator por el momento una nueva fecha.

The American agency added that the launch controllers will continue to evaluate the failure of one of the four RS-25 motors located in the lower part of the SLS rocket, which has been the cause of the suspension.

El asunto principal del fallo, al parecer, tiene que ver con la temperatura adequada que debe tener el motor al momento del despegue, luego de la carga de hydrogeno liquido.

Los técnicos trataron sin éxito una serie de correctiveos hasta que finalmente se vieron obligados to suspend the launch.

Los ingenieros de la NASA managed a two-hour launch window starting at 8:33 a.m., but the analysis and compilation of data on the problem ran out of that period of time.

La NASA had previously announced that a case that today will not despegara this historical mission, which supone a return to the terrestrial satellite at the end of almost half a century, manejaba como segunda y tercera fechas tentidades los días 2 y 5 de septiembre próximos.

(c) Agencia EFE