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MLB star Mookie Betts gives back to community

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NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WSMV) – The holiday spirit is in full swing and once again Major League Baseball star Mookie Betts is giving back to the community.

His 50 Feeds 50 campaign is helping a community member in need. This year he’s playing Santa Claus to the residents of Knowles Home Assisted Living.

Some of us are lucky enough to have a holiday with gifts and family. But some, unfortunately do not.

“The history here is that most of our residents have little or nothing, or no family,” Knowles Home Assisted Living Administrator Deborah Neal said.

But this season, Betts is changing that. For the eighth consecutive year his 5050 Foundation, named after the uniform number he wears, has adopted a community member in need.

“You know it takes a village, and so our goal all along was to be able to help somebody,” Diana Collins, the CEO of the 5050 Foundation and Betts’ mother, said.

Collins and Betts wanted not only to feed 50 people for the holidays, but also do something more.

“Some of the residents here, based on our knowledge, don’t have anything but what’s on their back, the clothing on their backs,” Collins said. “So, we want them to feel at home, at home here. So, we want to provide whatever their needs are.”

The residents at Knowles will get clothing, like socks, pants and undergarments. The things often taken for granted but are much needed here. They will also get a party just for them on Friday.

“We take everything for granted. We have decisions. We have choices. They have no other choice than what people give, so it’s a blessing,” Neal said.

For Betts, he’s proving that his work off the field is just as important as the work he does on the field.

“I will always continue to give back to Nashville because it’s my hometown and you never forget where you come from,” Betts said. “Nashville is very, very important to me and it means the world to me to be able to give back and help the people in my community.”

The former MVP as well as family and friends will have a celebrity bowl-a-thon on Friday to help raise money. Jerome Bettis and Eddie George are donating time. National groups, like the Still Got Game Foundation and agents for Betts, VC Sports, are also helping out to make this holiday just a little brighter.

“My mother used to tell Mookie, if I can help someone along the way, then my living is not in vain,” Collins said. “So, at this point in time, that’s what we want to do. We want to give back.”