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TV reporter wearing a mask.

Masks, like the baseball Jeremy Pena hit in the fourth inning of last night’s World Series game, should be a thing of the past. Major League Baseballon the other hand, disagrees.

It has a strange set of postseason regulations that only members of the media are subject to. When entering any team’s clubhouse, all media must wear masks.

This mandate, however, did not apply to players. COVID-19 was apparently exclusively circulated through the media.

This inconsistency is only one of many unpleasant and perplexing masking rules that have been in place since 2020.

Consider the requirements for entering team clubhouses


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According to the guidelines: “To visit a clubhouse during the 2022 Postseason, media members must be fully up to date on their immunization status, including booster injections. Furthermore, such media members are required to wear masks at all times when in the clubhouse and Interview Rooms.”

These laws were not properly enforced, as many people did not wear them at all.

Some complied, but others donned masks under their noses or chins.


But it was foolish to demand masks in the first place. It’s bureaucratic gibberish with no real purpose, symptomatic of the total folly over masks that has oddly become a national cultural divide.

It is nonsensical for MLB to have these restrictions two years after the COVID-19

It is nonsensical for MLB to have these restrictions nearly two years after the COVID-19 outbreak began and months after nearly all mask mandates in the country were repealed. Furthermore, if these laws are in place to prevent dissemination, what is the point of having them if only the media is required to wear them? If we’re still “trusting the science,” then athletes and journalists should be required to wear masks, or perhaps neither should.

Furthermore, what good are such restrictions if they are not enforced? No one from MLB asks anyone attending the National League Championship and World Series games in Philadelphia for confirmation of immunization.

To observe the lack of compliance with wearing masks, watch films of interviews with players in the clubhouse.

MLB’s restrictions, like numerous mask mandates across the country, accomplish nothing and exist solely for public relations purposes.

There is no justifiable purpose for the clubhouse mask rule, especially if it only pertains to the media.

Protecting people’s health is one thing; absurd and unreasonable mask-wearing restrictions, especially in November 2022, are quite another.