September 26, 2022 12:32 pm ET
Kevin Cook, a former golf editor, makes the obligatory moral objection to the LIV golf tour and its sponsor, the Saudi Public Investment Fund (“LIV Long and Prosper? Probably Not,” op-ed, Sept. 21). Does he know that the PGA Tour sponsors a minitour in Communist China through a separate LLC entity? Mr. Cook quotes Bob Costas, the NBC anchor for the 2008 Beijing Olympics, to bolster his point.
The PGA Tour and thousands of US companies do business with the likes of China and Saudi Arabia and have for decades. Mr. Cook and Costas already know that, and have benefited, in ways large and small, from that reality. The selective moral posturing of hypocritical elites is beyond tiresome to the rest of America. We can only hope that a large dose of self-awareness is coming soon.
John Keating
Bellaire, Texas
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