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How to play Pokemon Red on PC and Android

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Whether it is for a nostalgia trip or gamers just wanting to see how old games compare nowadays, many Pokemon fans may have the itch to experience the original Pokemon Red and Blue titles for the Game Boy. However, with methods of playing these retro games slowly fading away, players are running out of options.

The original Pokemon experience for the Game Boy was stapled in its library and Nintendo’s list of profitable franchises. Trickling into a card game, anime, manga, and much more, these two titles spearheaded the Pokemon craze of the late 90s and early 2000s. However, newer fans may have missed out.

With the most recent way players can access these titles on an official Nintendo console, the Nintendo 3DS eShop, closing down for good, many players may need to resort to drastic measures. Luckily, with proper hardware, playing any of these beloved retro games can be as easy as installing two files on your device.

Playing Pokemon Red on modern devices


The mGBA emulator is the program of choice for many retro game fans (Image via Vicki Pfau)

Many emulation players find playing retro games like Pokemon Red on one’s Android phone much easier than on the PC. This is due to the Google Play Store providing a wide selection of different emulators for gamers to try until they find one they like. Most opt ​​for the My Oldboy emulator application.

If players do not find it to their liking, given the small file size of emulator apps, the player can install and uninstall it almost instantaneously, depending on one’s internet connection. Downloading these emulators from the app store also eliminates the risk of one containing a device-ruining virus.

Players must go into their settings to install ROM files like Pokemon Red to enable the “install from unknown sources” feature. This will allow players to install files from the internet, which will require them to download and play ROM files.

Caution must still be expressed when installing these files from an untrusted ROM site. Again, if they try to install an EXE file rather than a GB file, they either cancel the installation or delete it without opening it.
