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How skill-based ed-tech trends are bringing in a paradigm shift in higher education

Experts concur that new technologies such as Data Science, Cybersecurity, AI & ML, as well as relevant skill-based tools are the future of building a strong technology infrastructure to entirely transform the higher education sector by providing skill-based education and learning.

Ed-tech players provide a perfect platform to upskill India’s graduates and working professionals, promoting a ‘skills-based’ approach to higher education in the face of new industry-specific skill demands and technological advancements. With industry requirements changing in tandem with economic and social progress, as well as the impact of rapidly progressing technology, a vast number of funds, and other macroeconomic factors have set the stage for India’s next chapter of growth.

Despite the fact that economic circumstances are changing with continuous new technology, there is a need for graduates and working professionals to have access to comprehensive upskilling programs and tools. It’s critical for India’s flourishing workforce to acquire new skills to keep up with these tectonic shifts – the Indian economy’s engine is its employable workforce. Recent years have also witnessed a mind shift in hiring, with companies favoring a ‘skill-based’ to a ‘degree-based’ approach. Core skills take precedence over degrees under this mode of hiring needs. This paradigm shift eliminates barriers for learners who want to learn, increasing the talent pool in businesses.

Higher education programs that focus on specialization in emerging technologies like Data Science, Cybersecurity, AI & ML, are an ideal approach for graduates and professionals who want upskill or reskill to build successful careers in these fields. It is appropriate for professionals who want to keep up with the changing present-day business climate while using cutting-edge curricula and teaching methods. In today’s world, understanding ed-tech trends like Cybersecurity, Data Science AI (Artificial Intelligence), and ML (Machine Learning) is the need of the hour to help boost productivity, automate procedures, and execute complicated computations. Analytics, cloud computing, full-stack software creation, and Cybersecurity are all in high demand. These skills are in high demand because they provide a competitive advantage.

There is a big push for specialization in these areas and many other upcoming technologies as they have the potential to change how we live and work. Understanding and learning about these technologies are being given importance in higher education so that learners can make informed decisions about their future. Technology has always been a major enabler of economic growth and development. In the past, the focus was on using technology to automate manual processes and improve efficiency. However, there is a new wave of technologies that are focused on Data Science, cybersecurity, AI and Machine Learning (ML). These technologies have the potential to transform various industries and sectors, including education.

The application of Data Science, cybersecurity, AI and ML in the workplace can help organizations improve their decision-making process, automate repetitive tasks and gain insights into customer behavior. However, these technologies can only be utilized to their full potential if the workforce has the necessary skills. Data science is rapidly changing the landscape of higher education. By harnessing the power of data, institutions of higher learning are able to gain insights that were previously unavailable. This is resulting in a paradigm shift in how higher education institutions operate and provide value to their students. In the past, the focus of higher education has been on providing students with the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in their chosen field. However, with the advent of data science, institutions are now able to focus on providing value-added services that can help students in their studies and career development.

One of the most significant changes that data science is bringing to higher education is helping institutions to identify and track student progress. By collecting data on student performance, institutions can identify areas where students are struggling and provide targeted interventions that can help them improve. Data science is also changing the way in which educational institutions communicate with their students. In the past, communication was often one-way, with institutions sending out information and expecting students to consume it. However, with Data Science, institutions are now able to interact with their students on a more personal level, providing them with the information they need when they need it. The changes that data science is bringing to higher education are just the beginning. As data becomes more accessible and institutions become more adept at using it, we can expect to see even more transformative changes in the way these institutions operate.

The traditional educational system needs support to meet the requirements and demands of today’s students. The workforce is changing and the skills required to be successful are also evolving. To meet the demands of the new economy, higher education must adapt and provide students with the necessary skills to succeed. One of the most important skills that students need to learn is how to protect themselves and their data online. With the rise of the internet and digital technologies, Cybersecurity has become one of the most important issues facing society today. As more and more industries move online, the need for qualified Cybersecurity professionals is only going to continue to grow. Ed-techs are rising to meet this challenge and providing students with the skills they need to succeed in the workforce.

AI & ML is further increasing access to quality and affordable higher education, creating new avenues for employment and entrepreneurship, and helping students have access to the latest technology and resources so that they can stay ahead in the competitive world. An AI system can function as a personal tutor or teacher’s aide, delivering the appropriate material to each student while also keeping the teacher informed of their development. The educator can then devote more attention to specific students. In this way, every student can get the best out of their education.

AI & ML helps in creating an environment for peer networking and enhancing learning opportunities – this helps in fostering a community of learners who can share their knowledge and experience with each other. In addition, new AI-enabled methods help in assessing student performance rather than their ability to regurgitate information. This further helps in ensuring high-quality education and learning.

Organizations and businesses are also investing in meaningful higher education programs and providing incentives such as tuition reimbursements to employees who upskill in these trending domains.

The growing popularity of ‘skill-based’ recruiting also implies that professionals must have some understanding of current technological trends and tools to be successful, aside from communication, leadership, creative thinking, risk assessment, and empathy, which are just a few examples of non-technical or soft skills that will help employees succeed. With India’s rise as a global economic giant and technology-driven innovation power, its workforce will need continuous upskilling and reskilling in innovative educational technologies and fields to remain competitive with the industry’s changing forms. There’s no doubt that the demands for specialized skill-based knowledge are changing. And these changes are driven by the rise of ed-tech trends like data science, cybersecurity, and AI & ML.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.


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