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Hospice hails Oswestry firm after golf day helps raise £5k

EvaStore Document Management held their fourth annual charity golf day last month at Oswestry Golf Club, raising £5,075 for local charity Hope House and Ty Gobaith.

The check was presented to the charity last week at the Hope House head office in Morda.

The field of 22 teams helped to raise the largest sum to date at the ever-popular event hosted by the Oswestry based document management company. The winning team was Henshalls Insurance Brokers with 104 points.

Vicky Bradbeer, sales and marketing coordinator for EvaStore said: “We had another great day for the event, a full entry and good weather made for another successful fundraiser.


“I’d like to say a big thank you to everyone who supported the event by entering a team, sponsoring a hole or donating a raffle prize, we really appreciate everyone’s generosity which helped us to raise our largest amount to date for the very worthy cause of Hope House and Ty Gobaith which is just fantastic.

Lynsey Kilvert, fundraising team leader at Hope House and Ty Gobaith said: “We are so grateful to EvaStore for continuing to support Hope House Children’s Hospices at their annual golf day and are blown away at how much was raised.

“Every year they somehow manage to raise even more than the year before and this is down to their fabulous team who organize the day and the amazing golfers who take part.

“An incredible £5,075 was raised to help ensure local seriously ill children and their families get the care and support they need. We couldn’t do this without them”