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Food well above par at Birdies’s at the Gaoth Dobhair golf club

Driving towards the sea in the heart of Gaoth Dobhair you come across a golf club with a sign saying Birdie’s – a new enterprise which is being run by Emma and Karen Gallagher.
Inside the door you are greeted by Karen who stands in front of a vase of fresh flowers. The golf club is empty and her work is over for the day she says.
Karen is from Gaoth Dobhair and grew up in the area. She attended Bunbeg National School before attending Pobailscoil Chloich Cheann Fhaola.

She studied science at the then LyIT and it was while there she and Emma made the decision to go into business on their own.

Karen met Emma in Letterkenny. Their friends had been instrumental in their meeting. Their romance blossomed at a time before the idea of ​​meeting online had become the trend it is today.

Karen remembers seeing a photograph of Emma on her friend’s computer, on Bebo: “We met and we got on brilliantly,” she said.

Karen and Emma married in 2020 and celebrated their marriage at Danny Minnie’s restaurant in Annagry.

Karen recalled it being a memorable gathering – an evening that she and Emma will never forget.

“We have been happily married since 2020 and we enjoy working together,” said Karen.

The two had lived in Gaoth Dobhair for a while. Karen’s grandparents Nóra Hughdie mór and Willee an phost had raised Karen from a young age.

It made sense for both women to come to Gaoth Dobhair and care for Karen’s granny when she fell ill. Karen’s grandmother, whom she was very close to, used to call her birdie beag. However, that wasn’t the main reason their business became known as Birdie’s. It was Emma’s friend who gave them the idea for the name.

“He said the two of you are two birds and birdie is a golfing term so it made sense to go with it,” Karen said.

Having an open and friendly personality Karen works front of house and Emma who has a wealth of culinary experience works in the kitchen.

“Emma worked in the catering industry in Australia. She also worked in a pub in England and she loves to cook,” Karen said.

The native Irish speaker has an interest in the business side of the enterprise and enjoys meeting customers.

“It is a whole new experience for us. We love being our own bosses,” she said.

The majority of their clientele are golfers and many locals call in to support the women.

“Around eighty percent of our clientele are golfers and twenty percent of our clientele are locals. We do enjoy the support and we are grateful for it,” she said.

The menu is simple and tasty. Sunday morning sees the breakfast burgers and baps fly out of the kitchen.

“Emma enjoys being adventurous in the kitchen and she mixes her own cheeses to get the taste she likes. She enjoys creating and experimenting with recipes,” Karen said.

Many people who get a toasted sandwich opt for chips or a drink from behind the bar.

The women are happy with their enterprise to date. However, having a keen interest in business Karen hopes to branch out in the future.

“We are hoping to have specials during the winter. We are hoping to do takeaways as well. We are looking at firming up our plans. We are really delighted that we started our own business,” she said.

Originally the two had hoped to get a food truck and run their business from there, but the golf club in Gaoth Dobhair seemed like a more sensible option and they opted to take up tenure in the busy building.

“Emma was working full time and supporting me while I was a student in LyIT.

“I remember her saying to me we have talked about setting up business for a while – so, let’s do it. That was it, we just decided to go for it. I left the LyIT around Christmas and started here around Easter time.”

The golf club is located on the way to Machaire Gathlán beach and many people use the road especially during the busy summer season.

Emma loves being in Gaoth Dobhair. Emma and Karen have two dogs and every morning – regardless of weather Emma walks the dogs: “I don’t think she would ever leave Gaoth Dobhair now,” Karen said.
Despite the uncertainty of the economy, the two are looking to the future with positivity and know they have each other.