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Ex-MLB star Kenny Lofton sent penis pics on Instagram: Lawsuit

Former worker claims he was sacked for reporting the behaviour

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Former Cleveland Indians center fielder Kenny Lofton isn’t hitting any home runs legally after being accused of exposing a female co-worker to pictures of his genitals.

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TMZ reported a lawsuit was filed Monday by Brandyn Toney, who worked for Lofton at Centerblock Asset Management LLC and Proxime Corporation in 2021. Toney claims issues with Lofton arose months after starting the gig, which promised an $85,000 a year salary, which he says he didn’t see a cent of.

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Toney also claims a female worker hired to watch over Lofton’s Instagram account told Toney that the former baseball player was sending penis pics to numerous women through the social media app’s messages feature.

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After the conversation with the employee, Toney alerted the in-house attorney of Lofton’s companies of the inappropriate behaviour. Toney says he was turfed two hours later.

Toney believes he was fired for reporting Lofton’s behavior and complaining about work hours and wages. He is seeking damages and more in the lawsuit.

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