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E-Yuan App Adds Payment Function for When Mobiles Are Offline, Out of Power

(Yicai Global) Jan. 11 — China has added a new function to its digital yuan payment app so that mobile phones can still be used to make payments without internet connection or power.

The Tap to Pay function can be used to complete payments even when mobile phones are powered off, Yicai Global learned. Users need to activate the function in the e-yuan app, and can choose how many times it can be used and how much can be paid after their phone shuts down.

The system is available with Android-based mobile phones, and will be available on other handsets in the future. Users can find the payment-without-internet-or-power function in the payment settings of the e-yuan app.

The convenient function has sparked security concerns, particularly about whether other people could spend money using a lost or stolen mobile phone.

But a verification code needs to be entered on the device if a payment exceeds the code-free quota, and payment will continue only if it passes the system check, an expert told Yicai Global. Users can also set payment limits in their phone settings.

In addition, if users have lost their mobile phones they can log in to the e-yuan app on another mobile phone to suspend the payment-without-power function.

Paying offline or without power is a non-mainstream scenario, another expert said, but it can help users without physical cash to pay in some situations.

Editor: Tom Litting
