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Camden trials care tech device to help residents return home from hospital sooner

Camden Council, in partnership with Oysta, has successfully piloted a care tech device to allow residents to return from hospital sooner and be fully supported to recover at home.

So far, the Oysta care device has supported over 200 residents who were medically fit enough to be discharged from hospital but required ongoing social care support at home to leave hospital sooner, reducing pressures on the NHS.

The ‘Help at Home’ mobile device, provided to residents who are supported by Camden’s adult social care service, has a falls sensor, status alerts and an SOS button linked to an Alarm Receiving Centre, allowing people to recover independently at home but knowing help is readily available.

Calls from the devices go to Camden Council’s ‘Careline’ which allows care teams to respond to calls directly.

Residents who were given the device returned home on average three days sooner than those waiting for a social care assessment before they could leave hospital, freeing up hospital beds and helping to address patient backlog.

Following this successful trial, the care device will now be used permanently for adult social care users in Camden who are returning from hospital.

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