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Auburn’s Swann Mobile Home Park residents forced to move

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AUBURN, Ala. (WTVM) – Dozens of people living at Swann’s Mobile Home Park are being forced to find a new place to live after getting a 30-day notice that the landlord is selling the property.

The trailer park has been home to some for twenty years. The resident I spoke with says she doesn’t know how she will celebrate the holidays this year with nowhere to go. I reached out to Swann’s Mobile home park and did not receive a statement.

Sandy Longworth has been a Swann’s mobile home park resident for two decades. She says receiving the 30-day notice has left her upset and depressed. Longworth says with the owner selling the land should be able to assist those who need it.

“Well I hope they’ll realize I mean I know he got a lot of money for this and help the people financially relocate, but he’s not going to do that,” said Sandy Longworth

Longworth is a grandmother who is raising four of her grandchildren. She says she didn’t expect to not have a roof over her head this thanksgiving. She has been looking for another place to stay, but with high rent prices, she hasn’t found one yet.

“I can’t find anything because I’m under disability from being the first breast cancer survivor and still in remission for another two and a half years and with what I have coming in I can’t afford the prices that they’re asking ,” said Sandy Longworth

Long worth says at this point she is willing to take something temporarily to ensure her grandkids have somewhere to sleep for the holidays.

“I’m just hoping I can find something, even if it’s temporarily until the holidays are over and something comes through,” said Sandy Longworth

Mobile home movers charge between $5,000 and $8,000 to move and set up a single-wide trailer.
