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As the PGA Tour enters a brave new world, we’ll see if TV eyeballs follow

First COVID, then LIV Golf. Acronyms and Roman numerals have been rough on the PGA Tour in the 2020s, but from a big-picture standpoint, CBS and NBC remain two of its strongest and most loyal allies. Friends in high places, you might say, a pair of massive revenue sources who combine to provide an invaluable conduit to the public.

Without television, you’re just swinging and kissing in the dark.

Happy New Year, Shark.

Fortified by prize money and bonus increases of at least $150 million—a direct response to the threat imposed by the swaggering Saudis—the Tour heads into 2023 as if it were entering a brave new world. No Tiger Woods to count on for sexier TV ratings. No clue as to when the rival faction might strike a deal with a cable network of any size, which would strengthen LIV Golf, if only by proving someone is interested in its product.
