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Alert of possible tropical depression in the southeast of the Gulf of Mexico

Miami, Aug 19 (EFE).- El Centro Nacional de Huracanes (NHC) de Estados Unidos alertó este viernes de que un “area concentrada de chubascos y tormentas” sobre el southoeste del Gulfo de México, en la Bahía de Campeche, “see ha organizado mejor”, por lo que podría formarse una depresión tropical en las proximates horas.

“Las condiciones ambientales parecen favorable para el desarrollo de una depresión tropicale, que podría formarse en la tarde de hoy o el sábado”, said the observatory in an informative bulletin.

This system is moving towards the northwest through the southwest and west of the Gulf of Mexico, the NHC detailed.

Sin embargo, para la noche del sábado, se espera que se mueva tierra adentro sobre el noreste México, lo que posiblemente debilite su fuerza, acotó.

At the moment, according to forecasts, the chances of development in the next 48 hours are 60%.

An airplane “cazahuracanes” of the American Air Force is scheduled to fly to investigate the system this afternoon, confirmed the observatory based in Miami (Florida).

There are “interests” marked along the northern coast of Mexico and the lower coast of Texas (EE.UU.), territories that must be monitored for the progress of this system.

Regardless of its development, the NHC explains, the system could bring locally heavy rains in northern parts of Mexico and southern Texas during this weekend.

According to an update from the Oficina Nacional de Administración Oceánica y Atmosférica (NOOA) in the United States issued at the beginning of this month, the forecasts continue to mark an active season of hurricanes in the Atlantic.

NOAA’s updated forecast is 14 to 20 storms in number, of which 6 to 10 can become hurricanes and those between 3 and 5 will reach “mayors”, ie category three or more on the Saffir scale -Simpson, de un máximo de cinco.

The good news is that NOAA has reduced to 60% the probability that the 2022 cyclonic season will be more active than normal. En mayo pasado, había estimado que sería del 65%.

Until now, the actual season has seen three storms with names (Alex, Bonnie and Colin) and no hurricane has appeared in the Atlantic basin.

(c) Agencia EFE