Cadiz Women’s Golf League
On Aug. 31, the Cadiz Women’s Golf League was hosted by Brenda Hartley and Janis Cook. The play of the day was a “best ball scramble.”
Two teams tied for first place — the team of Jan Shultz, Diane Berardinelli and Sandy Terek and the team of Roberta Cireddu, Joanne Hardman and Donita Rush.
Two teams also tied for second place — the team of Janis Cook, Judy Crawshaw and Glenda Sensel and the team of Sherry Sapon, Marsha Porter and Linda Tyson.
Putt winners were Janis Cook, 27; Jan Shultz, 30; and Judy Crawshaw, 31.
On Wednesday the hostesses will be Sandy Terek and Patty Stewart, and the play of the day will be a “shamble.” September’s monthly meeting will be held after lunch.
Spring Hills Ladies Golf League
Spring Hills Ladies Golf League play of the day on Aug. 25 was “Pick Your Score” on the back nine.
Game winners were: A flight, Tammy Koutsky; B flight, Mary DiMichele; and C flight, Carmella Wallace.
Other winners were:
Long drive: A flight, Cyndi Vidas; B flight, Vickie Grant; and C flight, Carmella Wallace.
Closest to the pin: A flight, Neysa McCart, and B flight, Mary DiMichele.
Lowest putts: Yuko Atwell.
Mary Alice Meyer won the 50/50 drawing.