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Primary motivation for playing golf is clearing my head

Lando Norris is a big F1 star and one of the biggest potentials in that sport. However, what few people know is that Norris is a big fan of golf, and he doesn’t miss the opportunity to play golf whenever he can. In a column for Norris spoke about his love of golf and how it all started.

“Yes, my name is Lando Norris. And yes, I am a golf addict. I thought I would use my column this week to write a little bit about my relationship with golf, as it seems to have become a thing. I’m always getting asked about it in interviews.

Believe me, no one is more surprised than I am that a game I had never really played until three years ago has become such a big part of my life but somehow it has. I probably have Carlos Sainz to thank for that. It was Carlos who introduced me to golf when we were teammates at McLaren in 2019.

We started at Topgolf in Surrey, near the team’s headquarters in Woking. Then he suggested I have a go out on the course. I was hooked from the word go.”

Lando Norris and golf

For Lando Norris, golf represents a ‘way out’ of other problems and golf courses serve as a place for him to relax.

“It’s my relaxation away from the paddock. A place where I can go to clear my head and forget about apexes and braking points. For me, that is my primary motivation for doing it: clearing my head. I know there’s always talk of ‘cross-pollination’ when sportspeople take up other sports.

There’s a long list of sportsmen and women who have taken up golf, from Gareth Bale to Steph Curry to Michael Jordan.” Lando Norris will soon play his first tournament: Pro-Am at Wentworth. He emphasized that he is more nervous than when it comes to the F1 race, but Lando also revealed that he will seek the advice of his friends.

“Maybe I’ll get a few tips off Carlos. I reckon he’s probably the best golfer among us F1 drivers. Him or Lance Stroll. I think they must be off six or seven whereas I’m currently off 14.5, having been down at 12 or 13.”