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Here’s why you should take part in the DRIVE golf tournament –

Ryan Straschnitzki, the former Humboldt Bronco that was involved in the bus crash in 2018, and the founder of “The Straz Strong Foundation” is looking for more people to sign up for the first annual DRIVE (Determined, Resilient, Inspired, Valued, Empowered ) Golf Tournament.

Straschnitzki discussed how the tournament came to be.

“A couple of months ago, me and the physio clinic that I worked at for Neurorehabilitation needs, decided to come up with a charity golf tournament to raise funds for both their charity and my charity as well. We decided on a golf tournament at Heritage Point on September 14.”

According to Straschnitzki, the tournament is to help raise funds.

“Essentially, what we’re going to do is try to gather as many people as we can, to help raise funds. Then whatever funds we receive, we split down the middle.”

In a previous interview, Straschnitzki talked about why this partnership with Synaptic is a big deal for him.

“Ever since the accident, as soon as I moved home, I started going to physio at Synaptic and meeting all sorts of patients with different mental and physical disabilities. Nothing was stopping them from getting better. It truly motivated me to help others as well. It’s as simple as changing your mindset and getting out of your comfort zone.”

Straschnitzki went on to talk about some of the intriguing parts of the tournament.

“We got a ton of sponsors coming out and a ton of great people. I think it’ll be a great event. We got hopefully a couple of celebrities, a couple flames players and golf trick shot people.”

If you are interested in signing up or learning more about the tournament or the Straz Strong Foundation, check out their website.

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