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Shabaz Shareef Is Planning On Distributing Laptops To Young Students Again

Representative students from Harvard University USA called Shahbaz Sharif in Islamabad on Friday. The meeting was not official but rather it was an informal interaction with the students. The students from different academic and cultural backgrounds participated in the forum.

The prime minister wanted to know about the viewpoint of various students and had a meaningful conversation regarding education. The major problems faced by education in Pakistan were also discussed. PM Shahbaz Sharif also pointed towards the distribution of laptops among students. The laptop scheme helped students during the COVID pandemic to continue their education despite the global pandemic.

Students from different backgrounds on merit were given laptops to help with their teaching and learning. It was also emphasized that the laptop scheme also allowed several young people. Many students have also started learning skills through E-learning, and the Pakistan freelance market is evolving. He said that for Pakistan to stand out globally, it must learn new technologies and skills. Only through digital progress, Pakistan can move towards succeeding as a nation in the world.

He encouraged the students to work hard for the prosperity of the country. A QnA session was also conducted, and the students asked several questions from PM Shahbaz Shar f. regarding the IMF, economic and social crisis, agriculture, industry, and technology. While answering the questions, PM Shahbaz illustrated that the financial crisis in Pakistan is based on political instability and structural flaws. This disordered economic infrastructure has made the country fail in progressing.

Since independence, Pakistan has seen a few years of prosperity, while the last decades have been economically terrible. s reported by Radio Pakistan, the PM said that they had plans for generating fruitful outcomes for the betterment of the country and its people. To rescue the declining economy of Pakistan, three steps in the economic reform action plan include revitalization of the economy, information technology as the pivot of national development, and improving the exports of Pakistan. With enough information technology, a lot of work can be done for the country.

The students were satisfied and happy with the PM’s overall approach towards the educational reforms in Pakistan. The idea of ​​distributing laptops has been proven to be effective in the past and also in other countries of the region.

PM Shahbaz Shareef also mentioned another very important insight about the economic instability. He claimed that economic stability can never be improved if political stability is not at its best. PM claimed that he has repeatedly offered grand dialogue which can prove to be the best option for the country that all big political parties should work as a union to avoid this hurricane of instability in the economy of Pakistan.