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Supporters asked to give up their soles for Whetstone boys soccer fundraiser

The Whetstone High School Athletic Boosters are looking for new tennis shoes and other footwear that have not worn out usefulness.

The school is participating in a shoe drive with GotSneakers, an organization in Miami, Florida, that recycles used tennis shoes.

The Whetstone boys soccer team is the direct recipient of the fundraiser.

All athletic shoes, from running to basketball, rubber-soled cleats and brand-name hiking shoes, are to be accepted.

Hannah Bleikamp, ​​Whetstone’s athletic director, said people can drop off their shoes at the school during regular hours at 4405 Scenic Drive, or at any home sporting event, which includes the girls soccer game at 5:30 p.m. Aug. 25, and the high school football game, 7 pm Sept. 1.

A blue bin is to be set up near the concession stand.

For every pair of donated shoes, the boosters receive up to $7 to be used for the boys soccer program, Bleikamp said.

“People getting rid of the old clutter in their closet not only helps that organization, but also helps our athletic boosters and this boys soccer team,” she said.

Bleikamp said she supports the fundraising effort and hopes it can benefit other Whetstone teams in the future.

The fundraiser is to be held through Sept. 30.

Jeff Henderson, owner of three local Fleet Feet stores, said he is participating in Whetstone’s drive.

Henderson said his company donates shoes to many causes throughout the year.

“Our customers know when they buy new shoes to bring their old shoes with them,” he said. “It will probably be about 500 pairs. That’s about what I can fit in the bed of my truck.”

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