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Glen Thompson is stepping down from the PGSA Board after 40+ years of developing soccer in Prince George

Thompson gave many years of his life to the game he loved. Showing commitment and service, to help grow and develop soccer in Prince George and Northern BC. Doing it as a player, referee, instructor, and board member for close to 50 years. It’s a journey that’s been a special one going all the way back to 1974, but it’s been a fun one for Thompson. One of his biggest achievements, being an instrumental part in building the soccer complex which is still used today.

“We merged with the rec soccer league, which made the association even bigger, and then after that, the city wanted us to move. So we got this facility and we built this facility. I kind of spearheaded that and we got some grant money and we developed this facility into one of the nicest facilities in Western Canada.”

Richard Ryan who is a long-time player and friend of Thompson knows how much impact he’s had on the North Cariboo Senior Soccer League and the PGSA and knows he will be missed in the soccer community.

“Glenn is a very selfless person. He’s put countless, countless, hundreds, and thousands of hours into this soccer association. He was always here. He was always doing something. He was involved as a player, as a referee, looking after the grounds, painting the fields, just looking after making sure the game grew in Prince George.” – Richard Ryan, Known Glen Thompson since 1982

And the big reason why Glen Thompson dedicated so much of his life to growing the game of Soccer here?

“It’s nice to get the praise, but you know, I’ve done this for so many years. I don’t do it for praise. I do it because you love the sport and you like to see everybody enjoy it.” – Glenn Thompson