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Convicted robber from Mobile asks federal judge to order ‘compassionate release’

MOBILE, Ala. (WALA) – A man serving a five-year federal prison sentence for robbing a Circle K and a Waffle House has asked a judge for a “compassionate release” due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Kayzell Jackson, who pleaded guilty in September 2021 to affecting interstate commerce, asserted that he suffers from high blood pressure, high cholesterol and uncontrollable dizzy spells that make him vulnerable to the disease. The 48-year-old Mobile man cites the “very real risk of death of severely debilitating illness in prison, and the psychological trauma.”

In a response filed Monday, the US Attorney’s Office opposes Jackson’s request. Prosecutors argue that as a procedural matter, he has not exhausted all of his administrative options within the prison system and has not provided documentation for his claimed medical problems.

The US Attorney’s Office also cited Jackson’s prior robbery records and the impact of the most recent Circle K and Waffle House holdups.

“His actions affected victims at those businesses who provided money to Jackson by force,” the filing states. “Consequently, Jackson’s sentence remains appropriate to account for the nature of the offenses, and the sentence reflects the seriousness of the offense.”

The US Attorney’s Office also maintains that Jackson would pose a danger if released.

“Jackson presents a risk to the community if he is released,” the filing states. “His criminal past is littered with dangerous and violent criminal conduct. If released now, Jackson could return to criminal activity undaunted by his prior convictions.”

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