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Chris Young discusses the Rangers’ free agency plans, MLB’s new rules starting next season

Texas Rangers executive vice president and general manager Chris Young recently joined The HangZone on Sportsradio 96.7 FM/1310 The Ticket [KTCK-AM] to a certain memory from playing for Bruce Bochy and his thoughts on the new MLB postseason format.

Here are some highlights, edited for clarity:

Is there a certain memory that sticks out from your time playing for Bruce Bochy?

Chris Young: Yeah, 100%, it’s actually one of the best memories of my career, it was Game 3 of the National League Division Series. We were in St. Louis, I was pitching against the Cardinals, we were down 0-2 in the series, and I was in the 6th inning of the game, I think we were winning 1-nothing or 2-nothing at that point, and I had two runners on, runners on first and second with one out and Albert Pujols was coming up to bat. And in San Diego that year we had a really strong bullpen so I looked over and saw coach coming out of the dugout and I thought, ‘Ah, I’m done, he’s going to come pull me out of the game.’ And every time he came out of the dugout it was to take the ball, and I understood why, we were in a jam and we had a very good bullpen. And he comes up to the mound and he doesn’t hold out his hand for the ball immediately, he asks our catcher, Rob Bowen at the time, if he writes me off and he said, ‘Boche, he’s not so good.’ Bochy looked at me and I looked up and I kind of realized he might leave me in this game. And I looked up and I saw him and he looked me in the eye and said, ‘CY, you’re one of the main reasons we’re in this spot this year, this is your game, go get this guy.’ And so I struck out Pujols and then the next batter who flew out to get out of the inning and go on to win the game… He left me in, in that moment, and just the special way that he has and subjective feel, that innate quality that he had, in terms of understanding the game and understanding people. And you can’t summarize all that in terms of analytics. And coach wants information, he wants analytics, he wants to make the best game decision possible, but at the moment there’s some skills that not everybody has and he’s one of them that has a good feel for people and therefore gets the best out of his guys in games.

Teams play 162 games for a massive sample size and then teams in 3, 5, 7 game sample sizes get sent home. Do you have any issue at all with the way the MLB postseason is constructed?

Young: I really haven’t given much thought to it, I’m just worried we should be in the postseason at this point so I look forward to the day we are. I’d take a three-game series right now, I think our fans would love that as well, but ultimately, it’s been this way for a while. I think the one good thing Major League Baseball is doing is examining their rules, what’s best for the fans, what’s best for the game and this is the first year of this format. I’m sure they’ll reflect over the next couple of years and decide what the best format is going forward. Honestly, I haven’t given it enough thought to have a strong opinion one way or the other. The biggest thing I know watching these games is that I want to be in these games and I want our fans to have a stadium where they’re watching us play, there are 40,000 fans rocking Globe Life Field and helping us win a championship.

Pitch clock, limits on defensive shifts and bigger bases are the big three rule changes for next year. Are you on board with these changes?

Young: No, absolutely I’m on board. I think it’s really, really important that we continue to evolve. I think it’s great for the game that we’re going to try and speed up the game, add more action into the game and then the bigger bases are going to help with some health and safety, just making plays around the base, a little less risky or dangerous so I support all the rule changes. I commend the players and Major League Baseball for working together to improve the product, I think our fans will benefit from it and I think it’s a great thing for the sport.

What do you think your chances of being players in free agency are going to be this offseason?

Young: As Ray Davis said in the press conference, we plan to be active. He wants to win, we have the resources to compete in free agency- top of the market, middle of the market, bottom of the market. We’re going to explore all of them and put the best team out on the field for 2023 that we can and hope that we’re taking that next step towards building a championship team. I think we feel really good about where our farm system is, the level of talent, depth of talent that we have in our system. We need to find the right players to continue to add to the core group that we have and build this the right way so that when our window opens, it stays open for a long time.

Listen to the full interview here.

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